Monday, November 24, 2008


The objective of this blog is to discuss how the marketing mix has made Singapore Biennale 2008 a success, and to discuss which one is ineffective and how to improve on it. We will also touch on the economic values and tourism roles of the event on Singapore.


Biennale, the contemporary arts exhibition that has stepped its foot into many countries since 1959 is once again holding another exhibition in our homeland, Singapore. Biennale originated from Italy and this event is held every two years because Biennale meant "every other year" in Italian.

The Singapore biennale is an international contemporary mega visual arts exhibition showcasing art pieces from 66 international and local artists from more than 35 countries and regions. Those pieces are projected using different modes and media. Some uses painting, canvas, digital art, while some chose installation and video. Every art pieces speaks a thousand words, held a great meaning and aspiration of the artist. Being an art lover, Biennale had made me dwell in the wonder of the artistic world. Many art pieces exhibited in Singapore biennale was extremely mesmerizing to make me return for the second time. Most of the art pieces touch the 5 senses. There was one which was named “fei zao” which meant “soap” in English; the artist used soap bars and water to make ground white with bath foam creating an illusion of someone bathing there. For the first 2 days, the artist himself sat in the centre of the art piece half naked, looking as though he was bathing. The fragrance of the soap filled the whole South Beach Development, even till today, moving its audience not only through the sense of sight and touch but also the sense of smell.

Evaluation of effective use of marketing mix

Marketing mix comprises of Product, Place, People, Price, Promotion, Packaging and distribution, Positioning and Branding, Physical setting, Program and Partnership.


Pricing is a key influence on event demands; the pricing strategy should be decided along with the event and its target market.

A single entry ticket to Biennale costs S$10 for adults and $5 which is 50% percent off for senior citizens above 60 years old, full time students with valid identification and children above 3 years old. Otherwise, free. Each ticket included a single entry for one person to City Hall and South Beach Development and ticket must be presented upon entry. Each ticket valid form 11 September 2008 to 16 November 2008, thus, visitors are allowed to come back as to complete their journey of arts appreciation if they could not finish on the first time. With this single entry ticket, they are entitled to buy Singapore Flyer ticket at a discounted rate of S$21 for adults, S$20.65 for child or student ticket, $23.60 for senior citizens which cost S$29.90; pass must be presented for students and senior citizens. In addition, they also have a 1 for 1 promotion if you bring your family members along, however, the family member must be a child above 3 years old, a full time student or senior citizens who are above 60 years old in order to enjoy this promotion.

They are also various promotions to attract more people to visit Singapore Biennale, for passion card holders are able to get a 30% discount off the admission ticket for Biennale along with a short guide. Secondly, 20% admissionfee and short guide for McCafé customer who purchased a meal from McCafé (1 set of meal entitles a customer for one discount redemption.)

Biennale have used penetration pricing and bundling concept to determine the pricing of the admission tickets. Penetration pricing meant using low and affordable rates to attract large volume of visitors. However to me, I believe that the low price is to pass the message of “you do not have to be rich to love and appreciate arts.” The concept of Biennale is to attract as much crowd as possible to learn to appreciate art and to promote the wonder of art. Thus, price should not be a main concern. Thus, they also used bundling concept to attract more crowd. As mentioned in packaging, they collaborated with Singapore Flyer to make to have packages with them. They also have the buy one get one free package to encourage visitors to bring their friends or relatives along.


Product is a set of intangible leisure experiences and tangible goods designed to satisfy the needs of the event market. It encompasses all the elements that make up the event and which the customer perceives as an experience.

Biennale is an exhibition that engages their audiences through many tangibles like. However, they also have guided tours to provide the audiences with a better understanding of the artworks. The tour guide will inform us about the past works of the artist as well as the message that the artist is trying to convey through his art piece. This information is crucial to understanding the true meaning of the art pieces.

In 2008 biennale had an art piece called “hair salon” by Erlich Leandro. When you step into the salon, it gives you a feeling that you went back to the past, in the eighties. It portrays a simple salon that has minimal features and 6 mirrors. Only when the guide asked us to observe carefully, did we realize that the “mirrors” are non-existence. The artist cleverly used another room and decorated it in the mirror image of the first room. Even the magazines were printed in mirror image. If the guide had not explained, I guessed many of us would not be as amazed if we did not hear about the explanation and the past masterpieces of that artist. It has also aroused our interest to find out more on that art pieces and his artworks.

Each of us who attended biennale will also be given a guide book that has detailed descriptions and information of every art pieces and the event itself. It gave the audience a clearer picture of the event and a better understanding of the artworks. The reader will have a better idea of what the artist was thinking when he created that art piece and what is the meaning behind that genius work.


According to definition, “place” refers to both the site where the event takes place (the venue) and the place at which consumers can purchase tickets to the events.

The event was chosen to be held in city area where there is a high possibility of getting walk-in crowds including tourists. The location is also very accessible and convenient thanks to modes of transport available. In addition, the location seems to link Singapore’s past, present and future together. If you were to go through the entire tour, you would see a former military camp, now known as South Beach Development to Marina bay the much anticipated future of Singapore.

Biennale had exhibited its artwork in 2 main locations which are City Hall and South Beach Development and 8 other locations which are Esplanade drive, Singapore Flyer, Suntec City, Raffles hotel, Raffles city shopping centres, Central Promontory Site, Clifford Pier and Connaught Drive. They have chosen City hall and South Beach Development as they display site for their art works because the both locations contain a very rich history. City hall, the Supreme Court’s Corinthian columns, classic design and spacious interiors featuring murals by Italian artists, Cavalilier Rodolfo Nolli, was built in 1939, one of the best designed buildings in that time. While South Beach development has a similar history as the Singapore Volunteers Corps (SVC) which was where the first National Service enlistment was held in 1967. It was also give a conservation status in February 2000.

Furthermore, the artists that took part in the events made full use of the setting's original properties. For example, a wall art by Tan Ling Nah, I am not Ophelia, ...or am I?, 2004 is a re-creation of 2 rooms in South Beach into 3-dimensional illusion on 2 walls. Another drawing installation by Joshua Yang, called the Impossibility of the Superstring Theory, 2008 it was a line that took up an entire room and the line neither overlap, nor break. However, the room did not contain his ambition but it blended with the cracks on the wall as well as the root of a wall plant.

In addition, the Singapore Biennale had also chosen to do ticketing at the entrance of the exhibits making it convenient for their visitors. This also help to save the trouble of booking processes online as well as the extra cost that may occur if a ticketing agent is used. The staff at the entrance also can given an on site introduction of the place at the point of purchase of tickets, it would be more convenient as it is an free and easy event.


Promotion (communication mix- includes personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct male, publicity, sponsorship, exhibition, merchandising, word of mouth and corporate identity).

Biennale used various channels to advertise itself in Singapore which includes internet, magazines, word of mouth, brochures, the official Singapore tourism board’s website, newspapers, posters and banners. In addition, the art pieces themselves serve as a mode of promotion due to the location that they were placed in. For example, the art piece named “Fantamas (phantoms)” was placed outside raffles city shopping centre had attracted many public’s attention. The magical part of this art piece was that the picture became another picture when you look through the different coloured filter. This is the logic of colours mixtures, blue and red gives you purple. This public art had thus become a promotion for Biennale, arousing curiosity of the public, attracting them to visit Biennale for the first time.

Singapore Biennale has an official website containing history, events and all essential information for their viewers.

They also have many huge banner and advertisements hung up on lamp posts or walls of buildings in the city area. There is also a huge map on the wall of the entrance to Raffles City Shopping Centre showing the public the direction to all the locations that has exhibits of Biennale. This also posts as mode of promotion as it attracts people to find out more about the event when they starts to see many promotion regarding the same event.